Parametric Analysis Method for Urban Energy Transformation Projects

  • Yazar/lar TERECİ, Ayşegül
  • Yayın Türü Konferans Bildirisi
  • Yayın Tarihi 2014
  • Yayıncı PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture)
  • Tek Biçim Adres
  • Konu Başlıkları Urban Energy

In tandem with industrialization, migration from rural to urban has caused unstructured and unplanned cities. On the other hand the needs of people in the cities have begun to change according to overpopulation, new technologies and life styles. This change results in growing energy demand at the cities and the governmental authorities and municipal services has to respond it. Urban transformation projects are given as a solution for struggling with these problems and reshaping the cities. Energy, one of the main topic on the urban transformation projects, contains the efficient resource and energy management, minimization of the energy consumption as far as possible and capacity enhancement for renewable energy sources. While developing urban transformation projects, the optimal and effective solutions should be investigated for the project area having regard to applicability, environmental impact, and economical feasibility. In this research, the energy demand profiles of generic residential urban blocks for two city locations in Germany and Turkey are simulated using EnergyPlus to identify the site density and physical properties effect moreover the significance of site design on future renewable energy integration opportunities. The research shows that 10-20% energy demand can be saved by an energy aware site planning and the urban transformation projects also have a big potential to supply more than 30% of the energy used with renewable energy sources.

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22.03.2024 tarihinden bu yana
22.03.2024 tarihinden bu yana
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09 Ocak 2025 16:51
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Detaylı Görünüm
PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture)
Eser Adı
Parametric Analysis Method for Urban Energy Transformation Projects
In tandem with industrialization, migration from rural to urban has caused unstructured and unplanned cities. On the other hand the needs of people in the cities have begun to change according to overpopulation, new technologies and life styles. This change results in growing energy demand at the cities and the governmental authorities and municipal services has to respond it. Urban transformation projects are given as a solution for struggling with these problems and reshaping the cities. Energy, one of the main topic on the urban transformation projects, contains the efficient resource and energy management, minimization of the energy consumption as far as possible and capacity enhancement for renewable energy sources. While developing urban transformation projects, the optimal and effective solutions should be investigated for the project area having regard to applicability, environmental impact, and economical feasibility. In this research, the energy demand profiles of generic residential urban blocks for two city locations in Germany and Turkey are simulated using EnergyPlus to identify the site density and physical properties effect moreover the significance of site design on future renewable energy integration opportunities. The research shows that 10-20% energy demand can be saved by an energy aware site planning and the urban transformation projects also have a big potential to supply more than 30% of the energy used with renewable energy sources.
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Konu Başlıkları
Urban Energy
Yayın Türü
Konferans Bildirisi
TERECİ, Ayşegül
Tek Biçim Adres
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