Enzyme technology has received great attention with improvements in biological remediation techniques. Enzyme-based biosensors can qualify as a measuring system as they permit the detection of biological events by detecting biochemical changes in biological processes. Advantages of biosensors are identification of even small quantities, cost effectiveness, and requirement of less power and less volume for identifying a wide linear range for usage [1]. Moreover, biosensors have high sensitivity, selectivity, and good response time for different kinds of applications.
Eser Adı (dc.title) | Enzyme‐Based Biosensors in Food Industry via Surface Modifications (Chapter 7) |
Yazar/lar (dc.contributor.author) | GAZEL, Nilay |
Yazar/lar (dc.contributor.author) | YILDIZ, Hüseyin Bekir |
Yayıncı (dc.publisher) | Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA |
Yayın Türü (dc.type) | Kitap Bölümü |
Özet (dc.description.abstract) | Enzyme technology has received great attention with improvements in biological remediation techniques. Enzyme-based biosensors can qualify as a measuring system as they permit the detection of biological events by detecting biochemical changes in biological processes. Advantages of biosensors are identification of even small quantities, cost effectiveness, and requirement of less power and less volume for identifying a wide linear range for usage [1]. Moreover, biosensors have high sensitivity, selectivity, and good response time for different kinds of applications. |
Kayıt Giriş Tarihi (dc.date.accessioned) | 2019-07-09T06:45:04Z |
Açık Erişim tarihi (dc.date.available) | 2019-07-09T06:45:04Z |
Yayın Tarihi (dc.date.issued) | 2017 |
Tek Biçim Adres (dc.identifier.uri) | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12498/735 |
Yayın Dili (dc.language.iso) | eng |
Atıf için Künye (dc.identifier.citation) | 10.1002/9783527698813.ch7 |
Alternatif Yayın Başlığı (dc.title.alternative) | Surface Treatments for Biological, Chemical, and Physical Applications (Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA) |