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The relationship between spiritual well-being and quality of life in cancer survivors

YILMAZ, Meryem | CENGİZ, Hatice Öner

Objective. To evaluate the relationship between spiritual well-being (SpWB) and quality of life (QoL) in cancer (CA) survivors. Methods. The current study was conducted in the oncology center at a university hospital in Central Anatolia/Turkey. In this study, a descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used. The data collected included: a questionnaire form, the current study was conducted in the oncology center at a university hospital in Central Anatolia/Turkey. In this study, a descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used. SpWB was assessed by the Functional Assessment of Chronic ...Daha fazlası

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Investigation of the relationship between working conditions and career barriers of nurses

BALCI, Hatice | YILMAZ, Evre | BAŞER, Gülfidan | BAŞER, Doğa

Background: Nurses are the largest part of a country's healthcare workforce and need to improve themselves professionally and plan careers. If we know the career barriers, it will guide the solution suggestions on this issue. Objective: To investigate the relationship between working conditions and career barriers experienced by nurses. Methods: This study was conducted using the descriptive type research design involving 379 nurses working in a province of Turkey between May and June 2020. Data were collected using the Sociodemographic Characteristics Form and the Career Barriers in Nursing S ...Daha fazlası

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Psychological well-being in patients undergoing stem cell transplantation

BAYIR, Berna | AYLAZ, Rukuye | ERKURT, Mehmet Ali | BOSTANCI, Serap

The aim of the study is to determine the psychological well-being of patients who underwent stem cell transplantation. This cross-sectional study was conducted with 100 patients. Data were collected face-to-face using an introductory information form and the Brief Symptom Inventory. When the results of the patients were examined, the interpersonal sensitivity of the sub-dimensions of the scale was found to be 5.0 ± 4.06, depression 7.60 ± 5.37, and anxiety disorder 7.90 ± 5.34. There was a significant difference between the diagnosis time of the patients and all sub-factors of the scale, excep ...Daha fazlası

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The Effects Of Women’s Insight Levels On Breast Cancer Prevention Behaviors: A Cross-Sectional Study


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of women’s insight levels on their breast cancer prevention behaviors in primary health care services. A systematic sampling method was used to select a sample of 393 women in a province in Turkey. Socio-demographic Characteristics Form, Insight Scale and Scale for Determining Factors Affecting Women’s Breast Cancer Prevention Behaviour were used as data collection tools. Data were collected face-to-face and then analyzed statistically using Student’s t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Tukey HSD, Spearman correlation test and multiple regress ...Daha fazlası

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Osteoarthrıtıs Management, Patıents' Qualıty Of Lıfe And Nurse'S Supportıve RoleOsteoartrit Yönetimi, Yaşam Kalitesi Ve Hemşirenin Destekleyici Rolü

KARATAŞ,Tuğba | YILMAZ, Evre | POLAT, Ülkü

Osteoarthritis is one of the most commonmusculoskeletal diseases worldwide. The progressiveinflammatory deformative process that occursespecially in joints that are responsible for carryingbody weight, such as hips, knees, and feet, causespain and functional limitation hat negatively affectthe quality of life. In addition to physical problems,many psychosocial problems such as depression,anxiety, hopelessness and social isolation can beseen in osteoarthritis patients. The management ofosteoarthritis focuses on optimizing quality of lifeby providing a comprehensive assessment of theseissues, re ...Daha fazlası

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Hemşirelik 1. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Mesleklerine İlişkin Algıları: Bir Metafor ÇalışmasıFreshman Nursing Students' Perception Of Their Profession: A Study Of Metaphor

UYAROĞLU,Arzu Koçak | TOSUN, Alime Selçuk | ÜNAL, Esra

Amaç: Metaforik analiz, hemşirelik mesleğinin hemşireler açısından değerlendirilmesi ve mesleğin anlaşılması açısından önemlidir. Araştırma, birinci sınıf hemşirelik öğrencilerinin mesleğe ilişkin algılarını metaforlar aracılığıyla analiz etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır.Yöntem: Bu çalışma nitel desende gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma 94 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Herhangi bir metafor kaynağı içermeyen veriler elenmiş ve 61 öğrenciden elde edilen verilerle çalışma sonlandırılmıştır. Veriler Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve metafor sorusu ile yarı yapılandırılmış form aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Veriler me ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Determining The Professional Perceptions Of Nursing Students Using The Metaphor Analysis Method

KOYUNCU, Naciye Esra | ÜNAL, Esra | TÜZMEN, Hafize Dağ

In this study, it is aimed to determine the perceptions of first and fourth year nursing students about the nursing profession by using the metaphor analysis method. Qualitative research design was used in this study. The study was conducted in the Nursing Department of a university. The study was concluded with data obtained from 87 nursing students. Purposive sampling method was used in the selection of the sample and this sampling method; The data were analyzed through metaphor analysis. The data were collected between September 15 and September 30, 2022 in the classroom environment with Pe ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Effect Of Classical Turkish And Western Music On University Students’ Exam Stress Level, Blood Pressure And Pulse Rate: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Introduction: Exam stress may cause anxiety, worry, emotion and condition changes in university students. Students use various methods to cope with exam stress. Music is a method used to cope with anxiety that reduces the stress level of individuals by creating a deep relaxation and providing a therapeutic environment. This research was carried out in a randomized controlled pre-test and post-test to examine the effect of regular Classical Turkish and Western music on university students’ exam stress level, blood pressure and pulse findings. Material and Method: The sample of the study consist ...Daha fazlası

Establishing A Contextualized Intervention Program For Noise Reduction In A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


Objective: This study aimed to examine the effect of a contextualized intervention program on the level of noises in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Konya, Turkey. Background: For the healthy development of preterm infants, NICUs should have noise levels within safe limits. Methods: A single-center, before-and-after study design was employed. Participants included one head nurse, four physicians, 42 nurses, six physician assistants, and 14 other staff members. The contextualized intervention program involved environmental modification, behavioral modification, and resource managemen ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Online Disease Management Training For Older Adults With Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

YILMAZ, Evre | POLAT, Ülkü

IntroductionUsing online methods in health education is an effective method that provides individual services to older adults with limited access to health services and allows for low-cost and continuous communication. MethodsThe study was completed with 52 older adults diagnosed with osteoarthritis, including 26 intervention and 26 control participants. For data collection, a Patient Information Form, Visual Analogue Scale, the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, Self-Efficacy Scale in Arthritis, World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Older Adults Mod ...Daha fazlası

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The Relationship Between Nursing And Midwifery Undergraduate Students' Health Beliefs And Breast Cancer Knowledge Levels And Their Breast Self-Examination Behavior

MERAM, Halime Esra | BEKMEZCİ, Ebru | KARAKOÇ, Hediye | YAVUZ, Büşra

Purpose This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between nursing and midwifery undergraduate students' health beliefs and breast cancer knowledge levels and breast self-examination (BSE) behavior. Materials and method This study was based on a cross-sectional research design and conducted in a Web environment. Four hundred and forty-eight female students were included who study in the 3rd or 4th years of the nursing and midwifery departments. Research data were collected between December 2020 and January 2021 by utilizing the Introductory Information Form, the Champion's Health ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effect Of Mindfulness-Based Therapy On Spiritual Well-Being In Breast Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study

CENGİZ, Hatice Oner | BAYIR, Berna | SAYAR, Serap | DEMİRTAŞ, Mehmet

BackgroundSpiritual well-being is directly related to the quality of life in breast cancer patients. Mindfulness-based therapy interventions can decrease distress levels in women with breast cancer, while improving spiritual well-being.ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of mindfulness-based therapy on spiritual well-being in breast cancer patients.MethodsThis randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in accordance with the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials. A total of 70 participants were enrolled from September, 2021 to July, 2022. Primary outcome included spiritual well-bei ...Daha fazlası

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