Erişime Açık

Natural Language Processing Application in Engineering


Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. NLP related to the interactions between computers and human language, how to program computers to process and analyze big amounts of natural language data.NLP brings together theories, methods and technologies developed in many different fields for example artificial intelligence, formal language theory, theoretical linguistics, and computer-aided linguistics. The purpose of NLP is to examine problems in automatically generating and understanding natural languages. NLP helps ensure hu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Speculator And Influencer Evaluation In Stock Market By Using Social Media

DOĞAN, Mustafa | METIN, Ömer | TEK, Elif | YUMUŞAK, Semih | ÖZTOPRAK, Kasım

Social media platforms are places where people post their feelings and thoughts about a topic. The institutions, organizations, individuals, or companies that are the subject of these ideas are affected by these posts. As discussed in different studies, companies in stock exchange markets are affected by the posts made on these social media platforms. At the same time, individuals who are aware of this fact, namely speculators and influencers, may make profit by manipulating the truth. In this study, possible speculators or influencers using the Twitter social media platform are investigated. ...Daha fazlası

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