Erişime Açık

Determining the Attitudes of Individuals in the Community towards Vaccine Applications and their Attitudes After the Covid-19 Pandemic

BAYIR, Berna | YAĞIZ, Fatma Nur | ÇAT, Rabia | ÇAT, Gülnur

Background: The concept of anti-vaccine is as old as vaccination. Despite this, many individuals who were anti-vaccine or indecisive in the past were expecting a vaccine for this disease. Research Questions 1. What is the perspective of individuals with and without COVID-19 against COVID-19 vaccine applications? 2. Do individuals with chronic diseases increase the rate of vaccination? Objectives: The concept of anti-vaccination is as old as vaccination. However, during the pandemic process, many individuals have come to expect a vaccine for this disease. This study was carried out to examine t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Vaccine Rejection For Parents With Babies Of 0-24 Months: Solution Recommendations For Causes And Reduction

ATASEVER, Beyza Nur | SAYAR, Selvinaz | SABANCI, Mader | GÜR, Ayse Büşra | KARAKOÇ, Hediye

Objective: The research was conducted in order to determine the mothers' attitudes towards vaccination and the reasons for vaccine rejection and to offer solutions to increase social approval. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in two family health centers and one private hospital in Konya, between November 2019 and May 2020, with a qualitative research method in order to examine the vaccine rejection, which is considered as a global health problem, in depth. In determining the research sample, 20 mothers were interviewed by using typical case sampling, one of the purposeful samplin ...Daha fazlası

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